Orgi Power Nitrosol N

Rhizobium spp.

Beneficial for all crops.

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Orgi Power Nitrosol N contains Rhizobium Bacteria as Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria that fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Plants belonging to the family of leguminosae (Sub families caesalpiniodeae, Mimosideae, Papilionideae and Fabaceae) have symbiotic association withRhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium incorporates in root cells to form the Nitrogen fixing rootnodules and able to colonize the legume roots and fix the atmospheric nitrogen symbiotically.It increases the healthy nodulation and thereby nitrogen fixation. It increases 15-20% of cropyield can achieve with use of this culture. Seed germination, plant vigour, plant stand crop yield is enhanced.

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Application Dose:-1 ltr/ kg per acre.

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