Orgi H&B Omega-3,6,9 has three main fatty acids are Alphalinolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosapen taenoic acid (EPA) and Docoshe Hexaenlic Acid (DHA).
Orgi H&B Omega-3,6,9 has three main fatty acids are Alphalinolenic Acid (ALA), Eicosapen taenoic acid (EPA) and Docoshe Hexaenlic Acid (DHA). ALA is found mainly in plant oils such as Flaxseed Soybean, Canda Oil, DHA and EPA are found in fish and other sea food. ALA is an essential fatty acid, human body does not form its self, so you must have to get it from food. Human body automatically convert some ALA into EPA & DHA, but only its very small amount. Vegetarian people its easy to get in tables form. Its good source of main fatty acids and easy to consuming in daily life.
Flaxseed Oil.
Dose: 1 capsule twice a daily.
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